At Art's Nursery we want to help you become a better gardener. This fall we are offering a series of seminars designed to increase the beauty of your garden or containers. PLease call in advance to sign-up.
Fall Magic Planters
Summer planters looking ho-hum? Let Michele show you how to pot up
a fabulous fall creation using a variety of plants, pots & decorative accents. Bring a friend and have some fun!
Saturday, Sept 25th - 11:00am
Fall Magic Baskets
Don’t put away your baskets yet! Let Michele show you how to put
together a gorgeous basket that will be the envy of your neighborhood.
We’ll use a variety of plants and accents that will brighten any dreary
day. Bring a friend and enjoy this wonderful class.
Saturday, Oct 2nd - 11:00am
Designing With Spring Bulbs
Enjoy a beautiful container filled with lovely autumn hues followed by
cheerful blossoms of spring bulbs. Come and join Michele and learn
how to build multi-season planters filled with foliage and layers of bulbs
for a long spring display. Makes a great gift or enjoy it yourself!
Saturday, Oct 16th - 11:00am
The sign-up fee for each person is $10.00 / seminar
The entire amount will be credited towards the cost of materials you use in designing and creating your projects. Please sign-up by calling 604.882.1201 in advance as space may be limited.
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