Art's Nursery is 10+ acre retail and wholesale garden centre, nursery and florist.
We're located in the Port Kells community of Surrey, near the Surrey-Langley border in British Columbia and have been in business at this location since 1973.
Art's carries a large selection of specimen and caliper trees including Maples, Magnolias, Dogwoods, Japanese Maples, Birch, Beech, Flowering Cherries, Ginkgo's, Katsura and many more.
Fruit Trees
We bring in the largest size fruit trees available so you can get fruit right away. Our selection includes apples, pears, asian pears, plums, cherries, persimmons, peaches, nectarines, figs, mulberries as well as hazelnut and walnut trees.
Evergreen Shrubs
We carry a large selection of Camellias, Pieris, Rhododendrons and Azaleas, Nandina, Bamboo, Holly and many other types of evergreen shrubs.
Deciduous Shrubs
Our deciduous shrub selection is huge! Choose from large numbers of lilacs, hydrangeas, barberry, viburnums, hibiscus, spirea, witchhazels and more.
We custom grow our roses in gorgeous black patio pots so you can either enjoy them as is, or plant them in your garden once they have fully rooted. We bring in top quality, large rose shrubs for maximum impact in your garden. Don't settle for those puny little things the big-box stores sell!
Sometimes you just need little plants - and that's where the groundcovers come in. We carry a large variety and selection of plants that stay low. Choose from a great selection of periwinkles, cotoneasters, sedum, thyme, ivy and more.
Art's perennial selection is second to none. Close to 6000sq ft of nothing but iris, lily, peony, lavender, echinacea, hostas, ferns, hellebores, astilbes and hundreds more. Our selection of perennials is always changing so visit us in all four seasons!
Ornamental Grasses
If low maintenance, easy care and simple to grow define your style of gardening, then start looking into ornamental grasses. We carry a large selection of miscanthus, pennisetum, pampas, mondo, carex and other types of grasses
Evergreens are the backbone of the garden. That's why we carry hundreds of small and large conifers. Pines, Spruce, Fir, Cedar, Larch, Cypress and more. You'll find the best selection at Art's!
Yup, sometimes Bamboo gets a bad rap. But it doesn't always have to be like that. We carry both the fast growing, agressive types (the runners) as well as the nice, well behaved, play nice with others (clumping varieties). Small and large we've got a great selection. Varieties include golden stem, black stem, fargesias, borindas, thamnocalamus, semiarundinaria and more. Plus they all look fabulous in pots!
Vines & Climbers
Clematis, Wisteria, Boston Ivy, Virginia Creeper, Jasmine, Akebia and more are just the start of our climbing vines department. Why settle for just what's available at the hardware store, when you can pick and choose the perfect one for you!
Outdoor Tropicals
We've got a great selection of palm trees, bananas, phormiums, bougainvilleas, yuccas, succulents and more. While they need a little more TLC, they'll usually do just fine if we have a typical winter. Get a little tropical today by planting one of these in your garden!
Japanese Maples
We've got hundreds of red and green leaf, upright and weeping varieties of Japanese Maples. From the old standbys like Bloodgood and Osakazuki, to the new ones we can't even pronounce yet! Come on in and have a look at the options!
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