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Monday, November 22, 2010

4 Tips For Overwintering Less Hardy Plants

While this post is by no means a comprehensive tome on the subject, here are four key tips to overwintering many less hardy plants.

1. Protect them from wind. Wind dries out foliage and when the ground is frozen, plants can not take up replacement water from the soil. Wrap them in burlap, cover them in leaves or hay. Do anything to protect them from the dry winds of winter.

2. Water when the day allows for it. While most plants do not require a lot of water in winter, when the celsius does go positive, water plants periodically to allow them to take up moisture. This is more important for evergreens than it is for deciduous plants as most deciduous plants will be completely dormant by now.

3. Protect crowns from water and the freeze-thaw cycle. Consider a hardy banana plant, if water drips into the centre of the plant, then freezes and thaws repeatedly, the plant will not survive. Cover the tops of such plants with plastic or some other item to prevent water getting down inside.

4. For the tenderest of plants, bring them inside. Often a cool location like a garage or even a covered porch may make all the difference to their survival. Even a sheet of plastic draped over top will serve as a mini-cold frame and help the plant survive.

Stay tuned for a comprehensive posting about this topic in the next couple of days! If you have any other specific questions about overwintering your plants, please do not hesistate to give Art's Nursery a call  at 604.882.1201.

1 comment:

  1. Theses are really wonderful tips.Even though using these LED Grow Lights for a "hobby," i.e. growing your own food and such, are in their infancy, they are becoming more and more popular.


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